A journey just begun, Thirty minus One.

365 days of busy life where I hardly remember my age and the time gone by.
Then the D-day comes reminding me with flashes and floods of memories that has held me in one piece. 

Last leg of my 20's. Feeling like been there done that.
Does birthdays bring emotions? 
To an extent it does for me.
Stepping into this era makes me feel like a big fat year has arrived.
Too many feelings floating in my mind, gonna pick some and give a pass to some.
My expressions may not be true to the bubbles brewing in my heart, nonetheless I am gonna do it.

I am grateful for the past 28 years of  my life. I have come a long way.
And now here I am, standing confidently tall with some achievements and many more milestones to reach in life.

It's not just about 2.8 decades of breathing. Lived a life with whole lot of experience from varied walks of life.
In this journey I have become part of a beautiful life and the life made me a  part of its grandeur and flamboyance.

Tougher the situation, tougher you evolve into. I have learned from every situation sprung up challenging me to the hilt.
I am trying to be more practical in moving forward and logical in handling situations. 

Birthday excitements last the least and what stays in me is the joy of what I have achieved, what I have, who I have in my life and what's ahead.

So today I celebrate my life in its totality . Lived with and for the people who exists in my life.
Their distance never too far for I know they aren't far.
I do not have quantity but I am sure about the love and belonginess I have for those who are part of my life is of superior quality.

My wish is to be happier than I've ever been and to spread my happiness to people who are around me.

Cheers to 29!!
The kaleidoscope in front of me is looking vibrant.
#thirtyminusone #happy29 #happybirthday #beautifulinsideout #aRomaOfWealth 


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